A Load Of Info: Guide To Using And Cleaning Your Front-Load Washing Machine

Your washer and dryer are important parts of your home's function and family's needs. Unfortunately, you may not be placing enough emphasis on maintaining these appliances. Since a front-load washing machine can cost between $600 and $1200, ensuring this appliance is in proper working condition is essential to protect your investment. Of course, you may not know where to get started. With this guide, you can use, clean, and maintain your front-load washing machine.

Proper Use

Traditional washing machines are manufactured with an agitator in the center of the basin. This agitator helps moves clothes around during the wash cycle, but it can be overly harsh on your garments. An agitator-free, front-load washer is able to wash clothes in a safe, efficient, and effective manner.

While surprising to learn, front-load washers are able to clean your clothes better without a high amount of energy or water. On average, front-load models can save you an estimated $100 on energy costs. However, you must learn how to operate your front-load washer.

To ensure your washer works in an effective, efficient manner, make sure to load the basin correctly. Check the pockets of all garments and remove coins or other items that may damage the interior basin or washer's door.

Distribute garments, sheets, or towels evenly in the basin, as well. Even a large load should not fill the basin completely. Wash bulky items, such a comforters and blankets, in a separate load.

Utilizing a high-efficiency laundry detergent in your front-load washer is best. High-efficiency detergent is concentrated, so it produces less suds. Reducing the suds will reduce your risk of heavy buildup on the washer's door and interior basin.


You may not think this appliance would require its own washing, but cleaning your front-load washer is an imperative part of preventing mold and mildew.

After each load, wipe down the interior of your washer with a soft cloth. This will remove any moisture remaining inside your washer's basin, reducing the risk of mildew and mold. Make sure to wipe down the interior of your door and the rubber sealant between the door frame and washer opening. Allow the door to remain open for a few minutes after each load. This will air out your washing machine.

If you notice a foul odor lingering inside your washer, a more involved cleaning will be necessary to remove the odor while preventing dangerous mold growth. Add 2 cups of distilled vinegar to your washer's detergent dispenser. Set the appliance to run a normal cycle, but do not add any garments to the washer.

After the cycle completes, wipe down the washer's basin, door, seals, and dispensers using a cloth soaked in hot water and vinegar. Run an empty cycle a second time using hot water only. After the second cycle completes, wipe down the interior of your washing machine with a clean cloth to remove remaining moisture.

Vinegar contains acidic properties, which are naturally antibacterial and antiviral. While it is gentle enough to clean your appliance, vinegar is also strong enough to eat through stubborn residue and kill bacteria or mold.

If water is left in your washer after a cycle's final spin or if the washer is making loud, abnormal noises during a cycle, dirt and other debris may be clogging up the drain pump's filter. Thankfully, this is an easy repair. Use the following steps to clean out the drain pump's filter:

  1. Place a large towel under your washing machine, which will soak up water before it hits the floor.
  2. Find the drain pump location, which is usually hidden by a small door on the lower part of your front-load washer.
  3. Place a bucket or large bowl under the drain pump door before opening the lid. You will see a drain hose with a cap once you open the lid. Brands that do not include a drain hose will have a spout available to drain water from the washing machine.
  4. Remove the cap from the hose and direct the hose opening down towards the bucket. If you have a spout instead of the hose, turn the spout on to allow the water to drain.
  5. Allow water to drain for a few minutes. Place the cap back on the hose or close off the spout.
  6. Locate the filter beside the drain hose/spout and remove it from the opening. Use your hands to remove noticeable dirt and residue. Then, rinse the filter under your sink faucet. Reinstall the filter.
  7. Run an empty cycle, on a normal setting, to determine if cleaning out the drain pump and filter has solved your issue.

Proper use and maintenance are necessary to protect the function of your washing machine. Using this guide, you will understand how to use and clean your efficient front-load washer. 

If your washer is in need of repair, contact a company like Automatic Appliance to locate parts.

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Exploring Appliance Services

Hi there, I’m Chrystal. Welcome. I am excited to talk to you about appliance services. The dishwasher, clothes washer, dryer, refrigerator and other appliances throughout your home require regular maintenance to continue running for years without fail. The maintenance tasks vary for each type of machinery. To perform the maintenance tasks, it is often necessary to purchase the right parts and cleaning products for that particular appliance. If maintenance is not performed, the appliances can fail in a number of interesting ways. I will explore this subject in detail on my site to inspire you to tackle those maintenance tasks on schedule.

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